Best Plant Food 2024-2025 – Buyer’s Guide

Have you ever realized that you need to grow healthy plants? No doubt, a beautiful and healthy plant needs best plant food. In the reviews, we won’t just be talking about the plant food. As a matter of fact, we will also be focusing on the how to grow plants faster. We pointing about plant growing method step by step beginner to expert levels specifically. So, without further ado, let’s get started..

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Best Plant Food 2023 – Buying Guide

Fertilizer is the food that you could give your plants other than anything. When gardeners gather around, they only busy asking either how the plants are doing or what should they give to the plants in this season. Yes, new plants, flower, and fruits also come at some point but plant food topic is always on top of everything. So, in the matter of growing healthy plants, we are now going to discuss how to use plant food in the right way.

What Plants Essential?

What plants need, or what are the basic things that plants need most? There is an easy rule to memorize that NPK or Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium. Much ready made fertilizer package comes with numbering which states the present percentage of the component. Suppose, a 20-20-20 marked fertilizer pack contains 20% of N, 20% of P and 20% K, and the remaining 40% is composed of inert materials and other trace components.

Similar there is 15-30-15, 25-6-4 and other numbers of fertilizer are available in the markets. You have to choose what component you need for your farming. If you want more blooming in the garden, then 15-30-15 is an ideal plant food. There it has a high percentage of phosphorus- 30%. Besides, to get more greenery, use the 25-6-4 fertilizer. This one contains 25% of Nitrogen.

There are some other fertilizer packs which especially make for roses, bulbs, or vegetables. Check the ingredients level to know the actual ration of NPK. Even you can buy general fertilizer for plantation. As long as the NPK ratio is ok, you are good to use any fertilizer. 

In addition, ready-made fertilizers contain some other components that are important for plant growth. Like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, sulfur, molybdenum. You can buy these elements separately too. The lacking of any of these items could show characteristic deficiency symptoms even though there is a full supply of NPK. Also, the lack of iron could cause yellow leaves with green veins. Adding a few irons with fertilizer could solve this problem quickly.

Types Of Plants Food

Many variants of fertilizers have been found in the market but fall into two distinct categories.



Organic means plant and animal-derived and inorganic are chemically derived. Most of the fertilizers fall into the second category. These are easy to make and cheap also. Most of the cases inorganic fertilizers can show rapid results.

Oppose to that; organic fertilizer comes into only a few options. Many organic gardeners rely on the old method/option to make this fertilizer. Like the animal manure and compost. These are containing some nutrients natural and healthy for soil building.

Some organic fertilizer like bonemeal and blood meal is a good source of high phosphorus count and nitrogen. In order to develop flower and fruit development Phosphorus and Nitrogen is crucial.

Here are three types of plant food that you could use. Here is how,


  • Take water can and fill it with a gallon of water.
  • Now take two tablespoons of liquid fertilizer and mix it with water.
  • Apply the mixture into soil and plant as per requirement for different types of plants.

Fertilizer Sticks

  • Take the stick and place the plastic top on the head of the spike.
  • Now press the spike into land at 45-degree angle facing toward the plant.
  • For big trees, you may need a hammer to do that.
  • Target the watering line of your tree/plants for the best result.
  • Place a stick 1 inch away from the plants and 1 ft away from other fertilizer stick.
  • Replace your old spike around every three months to one year depending on the durability of the stick.

How To Apply Plant Food?

Take one cup of organic fertilizer for every pound of soil and mix it. Before planting takes a shovel or rake and run into the soil to detach the upper layer of soil and then add the plant food. Make sure the fertilizer is mix into the soil evenly. After 24-36 hrs place the plants in the soil and pat down the land around it and water them.

Grow Plants
Healthy Plant

You Will Need

  • Measuring cup
  • Watering can
  • Measuring spoons
  • Rake, shovel or tiller
  • Hammer


Nitrogen enhances the plant growth but over applying of N could kill the plants.

Apply fertilizer as per manufacturer recommendation.

Don’t apply plant food after water or when the sun is full on at noon. Morning is the best time for applying fertilizer.

Take a gap in fertilizing and use pesticide. Don’t apply both one at a time.                    

When To Fertilize?

It’s important to know when your plant needs the food to get the best outcome. Most of the vegetables, perennials, annuals, lawns give a handsome reward if the fertilizer has been applied in early spring. Avoid before the spring shower for applying fertilizer.

Annual plants need three/four time of additional fertilizer application. During the time of the growing season, they need more water-soluble fertilizer and high P.

Lawn, trees, shrubs with flower need more balanced nutrition. Give them granular fertilizer in the spring and fall. Trees and shrubs with leaves need to fertilize in autumn. During late fall feed the new bulbs of your garden with one teaspoon of bonemeal. Roses need to fertilize frequently. Choose special fertilizer made for roses and apply a weekly basis to get big, fat flowers during the blooming season.

So, in the end hopefully, you all have a good idea about how to use plant food is many ways. We tried to discuss the growing essentials of plants so you can decide how to work with fertilizers. It’s always better to make your fertilizer in your garden if possible. Kitchen residue like the vegetable, fruit peels, egg shells, etc. could be great components making organic fertilizers. And the chemical plant food is still an option you utilize anytime for significant growth. But try to keep the ratio low or make a combo of chemical and mixture. That’s how you can reduce the adverse effect of chemical to nature and also the cost.

How to Grow Plants At Home- Guide for Beginners on Start planting

Everybody loves to see little greenery around the home, smiling shine of flowers. Garding is an enjoyable hobby and stress reliever. And bonus it offers flowers, fruits, and seeds as a reward of your hard works. Growing plants both indoor and outdoor is easy if you know how to grow plants. All you need to little study on seeds, plants, and soils, what the plants need, etc.

How to Grow Plants At Home

If you are a newbie and want to start a little garden inside/outside the home, then this guide will help you with that. So, let’s get started.

How to Grow Plants At Home

All plants need three essential things. Such as,

  • One- Soil to sink or anchor the roots.
  • Two- Light to fuel the growth process
  • Three- Water to keep the plant alive.

If you could provide all the trio in right away, all your plant will grow fast and flourish fruits-flowers. To understand how to grow plants at home more let’s get elaborate on the topic.

Preparing The Soil

All plants need some place or spot where these can spread the root hooked up deeply. Most of the plants sink the roots into the soil some use another medium; like sand, coconut husk, etc. these are called epiphytes. They don’t need soil to grow. Like ferns, orchids, cactus, bromeliads, etc.

The soil is a very crucial matter here if you want to grow healthy plants. Depending on what type of plants you are planting you need different texture and nutritious soil. Like, cardinal flower, sweet flag, etc. more tend to like moist almost swamp-like soil. Another hand the yarrow, pampas grass, Russian saga, etc. like light, fast draining soil.

Research On Plants

When you are going to choosing some cute plants for indoor or outdoor decoration do some study also. Read the plant label, study on some indoor friendly plants on the internet. Also, which plants go with your area’s environmental and water condition etc. also essential to know. Like if you live in a tropical area, you need to choose some plants that can adjust with the humidity and excessive heat at some months of a year. And so on.

When you are preparing for outdoor planting, check the soil thoroughly. Chances are you need to perfect the soil adding some amendments. You can either make organic fertilizer in the garden or buy garden soil to make the bed or fill the pots.

We would insist you to buy garden soil and make a customize version for different types of plants and fill their pots. After all, not all kind of plants needs the same type of land.

You need to take the hassle as you are considering how to grow plants. This primary hassle will save you from major facing problems in the future.

Turn On The Light

Plants need proper lighting to grow fast and fruitful. Lack of light could affect slower the growth, make them lanky and colorless. In some case, they could die. The necessity of sunlight has no alternative. There is an artificial option for grow light for indoor planting, but this is for conditions where space and light are minimal. In a normal situation, we will suggest you choose the area at your home where sunlight stays maximum time in a day.

Different plants need different time amount of light to grow. Like, outdoor plants need,

  • Full sun– Plants should receive at least 6 hours of sunlight every day.
  • Part sun– Plants should receive 3-6 hours of sunlight every day. Preferably in the morning/early afternoon. Not during the hottest parts of the day, 12-2 p.m.
  • Part shade: Plants need 3-6 hours of sunlight everyday. They require shade during the noon when the sun is hottest.
  • Full shade- Plants need direct sunlight less than 3 hours every day. Rest of the time arrnage shade where light is allow to in but not overpowering.

For Indoor Plants

  • Low light- Plants should be kept away from windows so direct sunlight cant hit on them directly.
  • Indirect bright light: Place plants right beside the north window or near a place where they don’t receive direct sunlight.
  • Bright light: Plants need to placed right beside an eastern or western window or inside the home where sunlight is bright but not overpowering.
  • Sunny: Place the plants in or right beside the southern window.

Light Level

In indoor settings light level decrease a lot compared to free level. Light level falls-

  • 20-50% when plants are 39 inches away from the window.
  • 50-75% when plants are 59 inches away from the window.
  • 75-90% when plants are 79 inches away from the window.

This percentage will much lower if the window is covered by shades, blinds, or sheer. Also, overhanging roof or tree limbs also prevent the sun from coming inside. Indoor plants get the lopsided appearances because the stems and leaves tend to stretch toward the light. The growth will automatically drop lack of ideal light and resulting in no flower buds, fade leaves, lack of leaves, thin limbs, etc.

Give Them Water

Watering high or lowe both could be deadly to plants. Young plants have roots closer to the ground. The upper surface dries out quickly, and that is the cause these plants need water frequently.

Additionally, different types of soil have different capacity to hold water. Soil contains abundant organic matter hold water than sandy soils.

Gardeners should know, local microclimate influence the water level of the land. Also, garden with shade, a houseplant in indoors need less water then plants in open sunny area.

How To Make Sure about The Watering Properly

A simple technique to check the soil either its need watering or not, checks it. Use your index finger and penetrate inside the soil. For young plants, the ground needs water if its dry about 1-inch deep.

For more mature plants it would be 4-6 inches. For potted plants lift the pot. Dry soil is light. So water the plants depending on how light the pots feel.

How Much Water is Enough

Follow these chart given below to water your indoor or outdoor plants properly

Plant type Soil driness Best time to water Other things to do
Young plants 1 inch Early in the morning Wet the root ball before planting
Established plants 4-6 inches Same  
Plants in pots (Indoor/outdoor) Not until the water trickling fully same Don’t allow the plant to sit overnight

The watering afternoon is ok, but early morning watering is best always. While watering the plant avoid watering on foliage. It will save the plants from fungal diseases.

When you are planning to garden make a routine and give at least half an hour or hour to take care of all the plants. This routine includes watering, dig the soil weakly, apply insecticides, fertilizer, etc. so now you know how to grow plants home easily. It’s better to start with few plants at the first time and expand later.

What Do Plants Eat For Food| Learn The Complicated Food Preparing System Of Plants

Human eats many types of food on a daily basis. Food gives them energy, nutrition to grow, develop bones and muscles and build a better immune system. This process starts from ovulation to born until their last breath.

What Do Plants Eat

Plants eat too. But we never see a plant to buy groceries, cook food or dine in a restaurant. So what they eat? They need energy to live also. They grow from seed and become colossal tree. Bloom with green leaves, flower, fruits. But what is the source of energy of them?

Plants make their food from raw. They use the sun, air, and an essential chemical and process them.

Plants absorb carbon dieoxide from the air, photons from sunlight. Roots get water from the soil. And that chemical- (which called chlorophyll) change the light into chemical energy with the water and Co2 and finally carbohydrate is made which give a plant the energy to grow.

What Do Plants Fuel Themselves

Making carbohydrate from scratch is the most common thing for every plant. But there is some exception. Some of the plants in this world consume insects or meat even as food. These are scarce plants only grow some part of the world. Like, Pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, etc.

This process called photosynthesis. The simple description of photosynthesis is- plants absorb light energy from the sun, CO2 from the air through the leaves. Every leaf contains a number of the orifice. (orifice or hole that situated in the surface of every leaf. These are very small, and can’t be seen without a microscope). Root sends water through the cells in the leaves. And all go through a process that finally makes glucose, water, and oxygen.

What Are These Elements That Works For Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a highly complicated process. It occurs inside the cell, in chloroplasts. These are very small. Perfect to say microscopic size. It’s bright green and found in every plant in normal light condition inside leavs. The shape of chloroplasts is almost rectangular. Its filled with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is green. That is why leaves are green of maximum genre of plants/trees.

In the photosynthesis process, chlorophyll is remarkably important. When the light strikes into it, this chemical compound converts light energy into a chemical energy form. Its also known as Light Reactions. Its lengthy process. A series of events occur inside the chloroplast in this time. After producing the chemical energy, it hits the water. Then the water spilled into hydrogen and oxygen. The spilled water molecules provided an energy source to go in the second part of photosynthesis and the hydrogen gas. Its called the Calvin cycle.

The produced oxygen is not needed for any of this job. So it has been released in air through the pores.

The reaction of lights make up the photo part of photosynthesis and Calvin cycle makes the synthesis part. This cycle consists of a series of chemical reactions which includes absorbing carbon dioxide through leaf pores. This is the same pores that allow oxygen to go also.

However, carbon dioxide went in from the atmosphere and combined with water molecules to make carbohydrate aka glucose.

Just like the light reactions, the Calvin cycle also performs inside the chloroplasts. But this part does not require any light. Scientists called this part as “the dark reactions.” It doesn’t expect any light but if the last part did not occur in the presence of light- this dark part would not be happing either.

After a successfully process, the dark reactions the glaucous molecules are produced inside the plant. This glucose is used according to the need of a plant. Most of the part plant use to send different part of its body as fuel for immediate needs. Rest of the glucose is stored for later use.

How to Test The Photosynthesis?

There are many options to prove or test plant’s photosynthesis process. A straightforward method that elementary school uses to teach students about this process using Eloea. No, we can’t see the entire process by bare eyes. But this plant shows some physical changes that are evidence of photosynthesis.

Elodea is a common water plant. When you place it in a glass beaker close to a suitable light source- it starting produce O2. So you could see bubbles after putting it in the beaker. But if you move the beaker in low light or dark area the process of making bubble stopped. You can try the method in three steps

  • One- observe the plant in bright light. The bubbles start to produce within 5 min, and the upper level of water is beginning to fill up with it.
  • Two- observe the producing bubble in low light. The plant randomly is making a few bubbles; the water level is less crowed.
  • Three- In dark light, there is almost zero-bubble appear in the water.

This process is real for every plant. Light make some change into their body and produce oxygen. And that is the food making process- photosynthesis.

The Plant Food

The stored glucose is called a stretch. This is also a complicated process. Two or more glucose molecules are combined into more complex sugar and store in roots or another suitable parts of plants. A very familiar example of starch is a potato plant. Potato is not fruits that the plant produces to make seeds. The root that storage stretch to save food energy for the future. And also for breeding.

In addition, the fruit we eat is also an excellent example of starch-storing. Fruits like pears, apple strawberries along with flashy part are stirred locus of the particular plants.

There is another form of glucose molecules which is called cellulose. It makes up the support structure for trees or plants. That is why tree trunks are sturdy; celery gets crisp, and grass become fibrous.

Final words

It is time for us to say goodbye. Now we did cover a lot of useful information. So, we apologize for taking up so much of your time! But if you’ve read through the entire article, then pat yourself on the back. You learned the correct ways to identify and buy the best plant food. Thank you guys. Cheers.